Updated MSU Call for Papers
Updated Call for Papers
The Indian Child Welfare Act at 30: Facing the Future
An Edited Collection of Essays
Under Contract to
Papers to be presented at:
Indigenous Law and
March 16-17, 2007
The MSU Indigenous Law and
We are seeking paper proposals in the following areas:
· Work by the front-line tribal advocates for Indian children and families – the attorneys who make motions to transfer adoption and custody cases into tribal courts and the non-lawyers who provide the expertise to compel the state courts to grant the motions
· The difficulties faced by tribal advocates seeking compliance with ICWA by state courts. State courts have developed common law precedents that circumvent ICWA in direct contravention of Congressional intent.
· Whether ICWA is a valid exercise of Congressional authority under the Indian Commerce Clause or other provisions of the Constitution
· Responses to Randall Kennedy’s attack on ICWA in his book Interracial Intimacies
Please email proposals to Matthew L.M. Fletcher (matthew.fletcher@law.msu.edu) or Wenona T. Singel (singel@law.msu.edu) by October 20, 2006. Proposals should include a working title, an abstract not to exceed 300 words, and a current vita.