Thursday, September 28, 2006

Updated MSU Call for Papers

Updated Call for Papers

The Indian Child Welfare Act at 30: Facing the Future

An Edited Collection of Essays

Under Contract to Michigan State University Press

Papers to be presented at:

Michigan State University College of Law

Indigenous Law and Policy Center

March 16-17, 2007

The MSU Indigenous Law and Policy Center will be hosting an interdisciplinary symposium on the Indian Child Welfare Act in anticipation of its 30th anniversary in 2008. Michigan State University Press has agreed to publish the proceedings.

We are seeking paper proposals in the following areas:

· Work by the front-line tribal advocates for Indian children and families – the attorneys who make motions to transfer adoption and custody cases into tribal courts and the non-lawyers who provide the expertise to compel the state courts to grant the motions

· The difficulties faced by tribal advocates seeking compliance with ICWA by state courts. State courts have developed common law precedents that circumvent ICWA in direct contravention of Congressional intent.

· Whether ICWA is a valid exercise of Congressional authority under the Indian Commerce Clause or other provisions of the Constitution

· Responses to Randall Kennedy’s attack on ICWA in his book Interracial Intimacies

Please email proposals to Matthew L.M. Fletcher ( or Wenona T. Singel ( by October 20, 2006. Proposals should include a working title, an abstract not to exceed 300 words, and a current vita.



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